Weekly classes in Pearl River, NY

Tai Chi & Qi Gong for health

9:30 - 10:30 am
Pearl River United Methodist Church
130 Franklin Ave, Pearl River, NY 10965

All levels

Activate your body's natural healing abilities! Gentle moving meditation will calm and quiet your mind, while the exercises increase health, prevent illness, and vitalize the entire body. Maintaining internal balance is key to optimal functioning, and these easy and accessible movements are suitable for almost anyone.

1 Hour class

9:30 - 10:30 am
Pearl River United Methodist Church
130 Franklin Ave, Pearl River, NY 10965

Beginner class

Tai Chi & Qi Gong for health

Activate your body's natural healing abilities! Gentle moving meditation will calm and quiet your mind, while the exercises increase health, prevent illness, and vitalize the entire body. Maintaining internal balance is key to optimal functioning, and these easy and accessible movements are suitable for almost anyone.

1 Hour class

Tai Chi & Qi Gong for health
Level 2

11:00 - 12:00 pm
Pearl River United Methodist Church
130 Franklin Ave, Pearl River, NY 10965

Level 2

Activate your body's natural healing abilities! Gentle moving meditation will calm and quiet your mind, while the exercises increase health, prevent illness, and vitalize the entire body. Maintaining internal balance is key to optimal functioning, and these easy and accessible movements are suitable for almost anyone.

1 Hour class